The Wonderful Lizard of Foz

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Time to freshen up this blog with a...

This is The PodFart. My new blog within my blog. I hope you enjoy it. Now let me explain it.

As a professional illustrator, I'm required to sit on my bum for large amounts of time and stare at a glowing screen. This can get boring, and my favourite way of alleviating that boredom is to listen to Podcasts. I listen to a wide variety of Podcasts, but I'm mostly drawn to ones that amuse me. I've had hundreds of hours of free entertainment from these fine Podcasters, so I thought I nice way to thank them would be to draw them some art over the weekend.

So far it's gone down really well.  I've done quite a few already so what I plan to do is post a piece up every week with a word of explanation about the art, a little bit about why I like that particular Podcast, and maybe a little response from the Podcasters themselves. Meanwhile, I'll be illustrating a new PodFart that weekend that you may be able to sneak a peek at my twitter page or my facebook.  I'll always make the image a little bigger here, though, so you can see a little more detail.

Now, for my inaugural PodFart! The Little Dum-Dum Club!

The Little Dum-Dum Club is an Australian podcast with Comedians Tommy Dassalo and Karl Chandler.
They start the show with a "Hey Maaaaate" and a "G'day Dickhead" in response, which is what I chose to draw. Tommy is often accused of sounding like either a small boy or a lesbian, hence the flowers for emphasis. These guys are great, they usually have a guest, and some awesome stories are told. A highlight for me was the Lawrence Mooney episode. I've heard a LOT of poo stories in my time, but boy, this one takes the cake. If poo stories are something you're interested in, give it a listen! But hey, if poo stories don't float your boat, there's so much more hilarity there that is non-poo related.

I had a great response from these guys. You can have a look over on their facebook page, they also mention it in this great episode with Adam Richard.

Also, these guys are currently in the Earwolf Challenge, and they are kicking arse. Go check it out!

Well that's it for this week, drop by next week for Justin Hamilton!

Lots of love,